Engaging, educating, and enriching all ages around the world through music and the ‘ukulele.

Four Strings at a Time

2855 E Mānoa Rd. Ste 105, pmb 179

Honolulu, HI 96822


Your donation will benefit Maui Food Bank


Our  501(c)(3) status from the Internal Revenue Service is currently pending approval. IRS Pub 557 indicates that the effective date of our exemption will be retroactive to our date of incorporation which is May 31, 2023.

Congratulations on winning your Auction Item! We are proud to be the Fiscal Sponsors of this Auction in partnership with The Ukulele Site. You will be receiving an email invoice from us shortly. Once the invoice has been paid, we will send you your receipt for your donation records and make the donation to Maui Food Bank.

The Ukulele Site will be packing and ensuring your instrument is safely sent to you as soon as payment is recorded.  If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to email us directly, info@fourstringsatatime.org.

Mahalo Nui Loa

Craig Chee & Sarah Maisel

September 2023