Welcome to ‘Ukulele Club of Hawai‘i

‘Ukulele Club Hawai‘i was founded in 2006 by Lina Girl, Bruddah Sam, and Joe & Kristen Souza (of Kanile‘a ‘Ukulele) in Kāne‘ohe. With the blessing of the founders, ‘Ukulele Club Hawai‘i has become a program of Four Strings at a Time. Our goal is to continue its growth and add online educational elements to further this free community program.

There are no membership dues or fees to join. Gatherings are free and open to the public. We encourage you, whether you’ve been playing 20 years or 6 months, to join us. Everyone is welcome at ‘Ukulele Club! Make sure to download your free music sheets and check out our free resources (video lessons and more), as they become available!

Windward Mall - 9:00AM - 3rd Saturday of the month

Next Meeting: April 19, 2025

This meeting will be live-streamed and recorded for future viewing on our Youtube Channel!
Our March meeting was strum-tackular! Make sure to mark your calendars for our April 19th meeting, where we will be celebrating Merrie Monarch with songs lead by Ke‘olu and our guest Hula Hālau, Hula hui o Kapunahala.

March Mini Lesson with Neal Chin

Here is this month's mini lesson, Neal chin gives us two strumming strategies. He takes us through a “less is more” approach when strumming with others, reminding you to let your 1st strum ring. This also gives you time to change to other chord positions as well. For his second strategy, he reminds us what you need to get a clean and consistent tremolo, using your index finger. More strategies are coming as we continue our year with ‘Ukulele Club of Hawai‘i! We can’t wait to see you at Club on March 15, 9AM HAWIAI TIME (Noon Pacific).

Mark your calendars for our next dates!

Apr. 19 - May 17 - JUNE 14 ‘UKULELE SUMMIT - July 19 - Aug. 16 - SEPT 27 - Oct 18 - Nov 15 - DEC 13

Follow ‘Ukulele Club on Social Media!

Support ‘Ukulele Club!

Support ‘Ukulele Club!

Support ‘Ukulele Club and our all of our free programming by purchasing a sticker or making a donation. Stickers are 3” circle, vinyl, perfect for your hard case. All proceeds go to Four Strings at a Time Programming. We are a designated 501(c)3 organization.

Past ‘Ukulele Club of Hawai‘i Meetings

Mahalo Windward Mall &
Kanile'a 'Ukulele
for your continued support
'Ukulele Club of Hawai'i